Sports Performance

New Year Who Dis?

New Year Who Dis?

It’s the New Year! A time when people make new resolutions for positive changes in their lives, or seek new adventures for personal growth and exploration.

Setting goals is a wonderful thing that can give you motivation and a new sense of purpose to your everyday actions. However, oftentimes these resolutions can be made off the cuff, or because it’s something “everyone should do”.

Below are 5 steps to help you set and achieve your goals for the new year. The focus of this exercise will be on athletic goals, but these principles should apply to all areas of life.

The Sexy Basics

The Sexy Basics

The basics, the fundamentals, the building blocks, the foundation….
all of these terms are describing the same thing and are used throughout all of sport and life.

Whether you are talking about the defensive tactics of a world championship team or examining the elements of a Fortune 500 business, much of their success is can be whittled down to the most elementary tenants in their respective field.

Getting the Most Out of Performance Testing

Athletes are always looking for validation that their training is paying dividends. If the plan is working, then head down and carry on. But what happens when you plateau or want to take your performance to the next level?