Running is About...

“Running is about pushing back against that insecurity and uncertainty.”


Many runners understand this side of the sport. 

In truth, this is how I came to be a runner. 

As a kid, I loved going out with my Dad and riding behind him on my bike as he ran around the reservoir by our house. 

Eventually, I was able to run with him. 

In high school, he was riding his bike alongside of me. I was running at night. After school. Because I was frustrated. So frustrated and angry all I could do was run it out. 

I was also insecure. And uncertain. 

But running made me feel strong. And gave me a sense of stability. 

It still does to this day. 

Hence why I keep running. 

It has become less of a compulsion (maybe). 

And more of a practice (hopefully). 

In his article, DAVID ROCHE goes on to say: 

“What all of that amounts to is an emotion that unites most people: insecurity. Yeah, we may want to be the type of person who works hard and succeeds based on toughness and talent and self-assured good looks. But most of us don’t feel like that most of the time.”

So very true. 

Photo: @toripintar

Here is the link to the full article: