Biochemical Fascial Signaling. 

There is this thing called: Biochemical Fascial Signaling. 

“All systems of the body exchange neuropeptide information, and it is the internal feeling state (emotions) that elicits the neuropeptide response. 

This is the mind-body connection in which every change in the mental-emotional state causes a change in the body physiology. 

Likewise, every change in the body physiology causes a change in the mental-emotional state” 

As stated by Dr. Candace B. Pert in her book “Molecules Of Emotion: The Science Behind Mind-Body Medicine”. 1997.

*Neuropeptides: How neurons to communicate with each other. Signaling molecules that influence the activity of the brain and the body in specific ways.

When discussing pain and injury, one cannot discount this deeper and very meaningful connection. It is far more complex than simply “letting go” in the brain in order to “heal” the body. 

What about the affecting of the mind by modalities applied to the physical body? 

Manual therapy does exactly this. 

Biochemical Fascial Signaling works both ways. 

The brain can: Create tension. Create guarding. Create binding. Of muscle and fascia. 

Manual therapy can: Ease tension. Ease guarding. Ease binding. Re-wiring the brain to release its hold on the tissue.