Defining Wellness, Its Relationship to Health, and the Coalition for Collaborative Care


The state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal.

This word gets thrown around - a lot! I appreciate the designation that "wellness" is an active pursuit, however, what does it actually mean to be "well"? I think we need to look deeper at how we define health.

The state of being free from illness or injury. It includes both our mental and our physical condition.

It seems then, that to be truly "well", we must continuously be seeking and practicing that which allows us to be mentally and physically free!

Truly then, it is all connected. And there is no single magic key - rather, an ongoing and comprehensive awareness of the many facets of our minds and bodies and how they affect one another.  

My point is this: it is necessary that we as human beings be seen by our doctors, therapists, counselors, and coaches as more than a single diagnosis or affected body system. All of the pieces must be taken into account and addressed both collectively and individually in order for the whole to be free.

And so we created this: the Coalition for Collaborative Care.

Check out the website.